Wednesday 21 May 2014

Mother's day 2014's so hard to maintain this blog and keep it real.

My post is always almost outdated event (Duh!)

Mother's day was 2 weeks ago hence I just gotten time to do the post now! Recently, it's so hard for me, to find few hours, just to sit down, working on my Macbook, and write a simple post.


International Mother's Day is always on second Sunday of May.

In Indonesia, Mother's Day is celebrated on 22 Dec, FYI.

BUT, being Indonesian, or a mother, or a daughter to my mother, I don't really celebrate Mother's day.

It's just a normal Sunday to me, until this year we decided to do something different.

Me and my sis decided to buy her a handbag, as an appreciation to her, who always take care of us since young and be a good mother to us (give us advices and nag, too!), and we could've made it this far without her :-) I love you, mommy :-)

Then to mother's here, well, To my mother's group / in church, I made a little surprise for them!

Happy Mother's Day, mommy!
From Giselle

Charles & Keith's bag for mom. 

Make a little surprise until 1am that day! 

Ta dahh!!! Finished product!

So Happy Belated Mother's Day, everyone!



Unknown said...

Giselle wears glasses now, deb?

dhebora87 said...

Iya nit, but sometime I will ask her to take it off when not reading :-(