Sunday 29 September 2013

My first post in Bahasa.

This is my first post in Bahasa! Clap Clap….I just realized, I should be proud of my native language by using it more. At home, at office, anywhere and anytime I can. Teach Giselle about bahasa, too. Haiz… so far she only knew “simple” bahasa such as kamu, aku, sayang, makan, mandi, jelek, cakep (coz I like to tease her, Dudu jelek, Mami Cakep, haha) and then kentut (coz she likes to fart but don’t want to admit, LOL), and then…hmmm….basically just a simple conversation la.

Since I’m talking typing in Bahasa, might as well, the topic is about Jakarta :-D

Jadi ceritanya khan habis baca yahoo Indonesia dan mengikuti perkembangannya Jakarta. Semenjak Jokowi naik pangkat jadi gubernur DKI Jakarta. Sedikit sedikit. Perlahan- lahan , Jakarta menjadi lebih baik. Eh napa lebih baik yah!? Yuk dibahas....

  •  Sukses merelokasikan PKL (pedagang Kaki Lima ) di Tanah Abang blok G. Jadi lebih rapih dan lapang dan juga lebih mudah dilewati tuh jalanan. Intinya jadi tertib aja. Gak gampang lho, penertiban dan juga proses perelokasian Tanah Abang ini. Soalnya banyak banget preman2 nya….belom lagi banyak PKL yang ngambek karena mereka so pasti rugi pas lagi relokasi, dan bisa aja kehilangan mata pencaharian mereka, dll dll. Tapi yah, proses tetep aja jalan terusss…maju terus....dan sekarang alhasil (dan moga2an ke depannya )semua berjalan dengan lancar. Tertib tib tib, yuk Jakarta! 

  • Proyek MRT di Jakarta. Yang pasti walaupun memakan waktu cukup lama, Jalan terus, Pak Jokowi! Persiapan MRT dimulai dari CBD area dulu seperti Sudirman. Entar kalau sukses, baru deh ke next adjacent area. Moga2 dengan adanya MRT, warga Jakarta dapat terinspirasi memakai jasa transportasi umum seperti Busway dan MRT. Jadinya secara tidak langsung mengurangi kemacetan jalan dan irit ongkos bensin deh, hehehe. Tapi yah Pak, usul nih, dengan adanya MRT, itu tuh tolong dibuat peraturan supaya pemakai jasa MRT harus disiplin dan utamakan budaya antri juga…. Jangan dorong2an seperti kasus Busway. Secara gue paling sebel (apalagi ama PRC dan fankui alamak jadi rasis deh gue) yang suka nyelak2, terus belaga bego gitu….kalau gue diselak mah udah gue kulitin itu orang, hahaha serem dech ya….and and gak boleh mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman juga, apalagi permen karet. Haiz  Yah pokoke harus dibuat peraturan sedemikian rupa untuk tertib dan menjaga fasilitas MRT. Kan udah mahal tuh proyeknya, yah wong harus dijaga bersama2 donks…hehehe…

  •  Banyaknya konser di Jakarta sekarang. Seperti, Metallica, Girls Generation, J-Lo (last year). Yah banyaknya konser yang ada di Jakarta ini membuktikan bahwa sekarang Indonesia sudah aman (seengaknya di mata dunia internasional). Yah emang sih gak semewah or sebagus koordinasi kayak di singapura atau Malaysia tapi tetep aja bangga bok. Contohnya Metallica habis konser di Singapura terus, langsung konser di Indonesia. Terus juga, katy Pery juga, liburan ke Bali kan tahun kemarin, hehe…wow bangga nih…*woot woot*

Ya udah itu dulu aja 3 point yang mau gue utarakan. Jadi walaupun gue sekarang tinggal jauh dari kampung halaman tercinta (apa coba...) Tinggal di negri orang, yah tetep aja gue ngikutin perkembangan di Jakarta dengan cara baca yahoo Indonesia tiap hari di kantor ooppsss

Walaupun gue pulang cuman setaon sekali karena budgetnya habis buat jalan2 keluar negeri, tetep aja gue cinta Jakarta, gubraks deh gak banget deh, Deb! 

Oiya apalagi yah, ini side track abit, tentang pengalaman gue pulkam sambil bawa anak. Kadang2 kalau bawa Giselle pulang Indo, lucu juga yah, kata tetangga2 nyokap, lucu banget kalau bisa denger anak kecil yang berkicau pake bahasa Inggris. Terus kalo  diajakin ke mall, dan gue lagi ngomong pake bahasa Inggris ke Giselle, karena gue ngomong rada kenceng (emang nih bacot anak Jakarta) yah orang2 disekitar juga denger deh, pasti dalam hati mereka,  beranggapan, ini emak muda gaya banget yah sok sok pake bahasa Inggris ngomong ke anaknya segala….singlish pula…tapi emang gak tau dia, Giselle emang cumanya bisa singlish…hahaha kalo mandarin, gimana Ibu Deb!? Ooppss...Giselle mah loadingnya lama kalau pake Mandarin, sedangkan gue, opps Mandarin gue cuman taunya Wo ai ni Ni ai Wo-nya lirik lagu Wang Lee Hom...Gubraks dehh....

Yah kadang2 gue pikir, seharusnya gue ajarin aja tuh bahasa malay ke Giselle, jadi bisa komunikasi lancar ama bokap gue yah. Oiya kalau ama nyokap gue, Giselle ngomong mandarin. Ama cici n koko ipar pake bahasa Singlish Inggris. Tapi ah dipikir2 lagi males ajarin bahasa Indo bok. Capek bok. Entaran aja deh kalau udah gedean…*emak macam apa ini!? LOL* Ahhh habis nulis post ini jadi homesick deh…haiz…I want to go back my hometown and eat my Ketoprak! 

Ok I think I should write more post in Bahasa from now on. Dadah! 


Sunday 22 September 2013

Lipbalms Review

It's my first time doing lip balm review!

I've never really into lipbalm like this before. Because technically speaking, I am an oily or combination skin thus my lip is also always moisturised like 24/7. But if you saw my post last month I was on accutane, and I still am on that right now, the most common side effect that I have is, dry lips. So to tackle this, is to, slap tons of lip balm which are now my new "love" addiction. :-)

Here we go!

1st review: Dermalogica Climate Control Lip Treatment $22.90 - $25.90 (price may vary)

What I like about this product is that, it's not only moisturise the lip but also repair the damage tissue on lips. The strong scent of Shea butter makes me love to apply and re-apply it every now and then! I don't think there is some SPF on it so I only use it at night time or when I feel like my lips is going to tear anytime any soon. Oh ya I got it free when I bought Dermalogica Medibac and Oily Skin Kit this January, more details, click here. Long story short, I ordered kit from Feel and found out that they've sent wrong kit and then the next day I emailed them to notify. The next few days, they sent me this lip treatment. Talking about good service! :-)

2nd: Mary Kay Satinlips Lipbalm ($ pls check website or Mary Kay sales girl, interested email me I got "lobang") 

Short one, Mary Kay is the best lipbalm for more robust and long lasting performance. Hydrates up to 6 hours (as per website) and I bought it back in 2012. Did a review here. I'm quite surprise that it still in good condition and as you can see below pics, its almost finishing soon nooooo.....:-( 

3rd: My beloved ROC Enydrial Stick Levres Reparateur ($ 18 +/- )
In fact, this is my second lip balm purchased, as the first one was like, I didn't know where I put la. Forget already! It made me sad when I lost my first ever expensive lip balm.
 I'm quite loving it because the texture of this lip balm is so smooth and moisturise just nice. Not too little, not too much as well. Very good finishing. Oh ya, and no scent as well. No paraben. 
But recently, the stick broke and I gotta use this broken stick to apply on my lips. Yah, now that's explained why it always leave a white-cast or white- residue on my lips every time I applied it. 
You can buy in Watson and Guardian. 

4rd: VichyAqualia Thermal Levres Lips ( $18 +/- )
Anyway, Levre is lip in French. haha I just google it. :-) So I think both ROC and Vichy from France!? 

Anyhow, this is the most second expensive lipbalm that I bought over the drugstore. The texture is almost the same as ROC but I love the vanila scent of it! No paraben. 
It's kind of soothing me (coz the of scent) and I always put it at home because: 1. No SPF so I use it on evening. 2. Expensive so better keep at home ah cheapo mode on hahaha. So after my ROC finished I will use this one. 

5th: Vaseline Lip Therapy
I love Vaseline but of course, the performance not as good as high-brand lip balm. It only contains petroleum jelly (like any other Vaseline does) and it just to help to smoothen the chapped lips. That's it. No repairing. No soothing effect. Just smoothen. The price is under $ 5 if I'm not mistaken. No frills, indeed. 

6 rd: Chapstick. I think guys know better about this chapstick. From what I know this brand is quite popular in US especially among guys (because contain no colour, less scent).
 So far I only can find chapstick in selected Guardian in Singapore. It's quite cheap $2 per stick but again, sorry to say, this is a frills product so you get what you'll pay. It contains SPF 10 so its good to use during the day. I tried it for 3 consecutive days, and I can feel that it just helped to "lubricate" the lips but without any repair or whatsoever effects. My lips was still chapped pretty badly so after that day onwards, I'll just throw it away. The scent is unpleasant to me so it's big no no for me. 

My conclusion is, the more expensive the lip balm is, the better quality it is.
France/ Europe brand has better quality than US brand because I think European weather has pretty harsh cold weather, which means, they (as in the dermatologist) really have an urge and devoted their time and experience to invent those robust, high-performance lip balm to treat / repair cracked lips from bad harsh cold weather. Or maybe it is just me, I don't even have a chance to try those good US brand such as EOS and Burt's Bees!? :-D

Nevertheless, if you happened to know some good quality lip balm or lip repair, pls recommend to me, I need it pretty badly!



Friday 20 September 2013

Week 6- Light of Hope.

Week 6

This week is no- brainer week for me. I was lost counting all zits on my face because what they can do are: 1. Growing so quickly overnight. 2. The next day- ripe and the pus push to surface pretty fast. 3. Day 3, either I will pop it gently or the pus popped by itself so what I did was, pressed to stop the bleeding with alcohol swab. But mostly the acne will break by itself so save my trouble to some called like *kacau* my skin. But then, the acne scar becoming reddish and so obviously flat red and I am now mastering the skill of concealer, hahaha so proud.

As for the side effects
Now no more joint-pain and back-ache. Yippie!  Mood somehow has back to normal. More positive now because my skin has improved a lot. I am comparing myself 6 weeks ago and today it is so much more better!

Now the problems that I’m facing are:

  • 1.     My neck and my face skin tone is totally different. Like they are belong to different person. When I ask my derma, she said its ok, wait few more weeks it will be the same tone. Grr! Oh I doubt hope so! So if you can imagine Zhang Zi Yi in Geisha movie, yep I’m pretty much like that!

  • 2.     I am so fucking tired of explaining to people. They kept asking me what happened to my face! The most I will only said, yeah I am medication. For the acne. Full stop. Then they will ask, “ why!? “ And then they comment, “waste money la.”  I have once called “pimple girl” by someone . Well, they can call me whatever but I don’t buy it. It’s like Christina Aguilera’s song, “I am beautiful, no matter what they said, words can’t bring me down. I am beautiful, in every single way, words can’t let us down. “

  • 3.     I’ve officially suffered the most common dry skin problem, rash. Yep, I have never ever have rash in my entire life before. Rash occurred because of dry skin. I am all along always had oily or combination skin but now I found myself secretly love moisturizing/ hydrating skin care. I bought tons of lip balms, Cetaphil moisturizing cream, vitamin E and C supplement, using Hada Labo cleansing oil. Amazingly, these products work on me now; while sometime back ago, they really made me breaking out pretty badly! So I found out that my neck has rash pretty bad and I had to see my derma again coz It was pretty itch and peeled so fugly. She examined it and prescribed me 2 more medication for itchiness and 2 type of balms to reduce redness. I was like, what…!? more products to apply!? Total I lost count on how many products to apply during morning and night. Hmm… good idea, maybe I should count it now!  See ah… 

  • 4.  Morning and Night routine. Morning, facial wash (during shower), Toner, Topicil, Clear, Retin-A, Exfoderm, Hydrocortisone ( only side of lips and eye), Sunscreen, Concealer (occasionally), and powder. And then, night time, same thing but minus sunscreen and concealer. AND NOW PLUS 2 cream for morning/ night application on the neck.  Haiz.

Lastly,  just to update, on the 28, I’m going to go back for derma review again and do blood test (it’s a part of my health screening)

Speaking about health screening, this year, I’m gonna do customize health screening this year, adding health check for cancer, chest X-ray, and also breast-ultrasound. Unfortunately mammogram only available for women aged 40 and above. So, for younger people like me *ahem*, breast ultrasound is good enough.

Okay, that’s that. Thanks for reading up this post! Now I guess am doing fine in my sixth week now. 



Thursday 12 September 2013

Week 5- The lowest week....

Week 5

This is the lowest week so far. 

Total I have 4 zits on left cheek, 5 on right cheek, 2 on forehead, and hell, a few of cystic acne along jaw line. It’s like one day I wake up with no zits, then the next day I wake up with 10 zits altogether. I don’t even know how to explain this feeling.

And then, redness is subsiding but it’s still red. Still flaky. Still dry on the lips area. Still ugly.

But positive side is, NO MORE muscle-ache, joint-ache, and back-ache during the day. I can do twice jogging or cardio now! Yeay! Hmmm....maybe it’s just my body adjusting to it. Or maybe it’s just a mind-game. Follow derma’s prescription, I only take those pills at night before sleep. What I can feel is that, the back-ache is aching only after 1 hour prior to taking pills. Normally, by the time the aching kicked in; I already slept in la la land. Those pills make me freaking sleepy which somehow improve my sleep quality as well. Hahaha….

When I went to see my derma last week and asked about popping out zits and stuff. Come to my surprise, she said can go ahead to pop but do it in a very gently manner. So she gave alcohol swab and some sterilized needles and taught me how to do it properly. But till now, I don’t have the courage you know, it’s like, the more they forbid me, the more I wanna do. The excitement of breaching the rules. Rebellious spirit. And vice versa, the more they said ok you can do, and then I will not do it... So it’s like reverse psychology. 

And then, I found a website which can purchase Obagi but only certain range only, hikzzz…
My Obagi Clear 3 and Blender 5 don’t have, double hikzzz….
And when I asked them why don’t they carry, they said it’s quite expensive to pay for the license to sell in Singapore and not so many demand so they’ve stopped carrying it, triple hikzzz now….

No choice I need to keep on buying from my derma then.

Okay, that's that! Week 5 quick get over it!


Monday 9 September 2013

Matthew 11: 28 Thanks God for assurance...

Matthew 11: 28 
Thanks God for assurance that you'll always be there for me. 
Up and down. Joy and sad.
You are good.
All the time.

Friday 6 September 2013

Singapore Expo 2013

This week there will be World Food Fair, COMEX show, BHG Expo Sale, and Body Shop Mega Sale!!! All events are held at Expo! Hunt the promotion now!

BHG Expo Sale: 5 Sept -8 Sept @ Hall 3A

Body Shop: 6 Sept- 8 Sept @ Hall 3B

Food Fair: 5 Sept -8 Sept @ Hall 4

COMEX Show: 5 Sept -8 Sept @ Hall 5-6

Oh I am buying Seagate 1TB external hard disk for only SGD 99! It’s for my MAC coz my previous hard disk don’t even compatible with MAC and I don’t know how to sync it. Only can read but cannot write haiz…what a waste!

Usual retail price is SGD 119 so I save up $20 basically! The show price is really good deal rather than buying staff purchase. With regards to Comex IT show, if you plan to buy MAC don’t waste your time coz they are all having fixed price! Maybe you can bargain for accessories/ additional free items but good luck to you!
