Monday 31 December 2012

Reflection 2012

It's perfect time to get a bit loose and do some reflections. 

Give thanks for the last year's blessing thus reflects on the failure and success as well. Everything that happened throughout the year.  Good or bad. Happiness and Sadness. Just surrender to God. Let Him take control. 

So here were my last year resolutions.  For easy reference I will coppas here (lazy mode on). And the results i will put below as well. So resolutions is in the black font, results is in the purple font. Follow the point accordingly. So let's be real here, I'm not gonna lie....


1. Eat healthily. No more strict diet! Eat more frequent but in small portion, please- Yep, I managed to eat healthily, more fruits and fruit juice (no veggie coz of stupid braces!)  :-)
2. Exercise twice a week- Yep, before braces is twice a week, after braces is once a week. not bad!  :-)
3. No more sodatotally fail!!!!
4. Medical check up- I did it on Oct. results are okay. :-)


1. Save monthly- Yep, good job! :-)

2. Buy clothes/ shoes/ bags limit once a month ONLY or if there is any occasion, try to recycle clothes by mix and match. - totally fail. shoes and bags still ok but I cannot don't buy clothes!!! why oh why please keep away my iPad from me!  :-(


1. Increment in salary
- yep, there was an increment but so little! I remember I complaint so hard on that day and gave my big boss a big black and longggg face for the whole day....nope...I think its whole month...I hate you, boss! why u no fighting for us! :-(

2. Enhancing and implementing good customer service. No more urgent leave. - Yep no more urgent leave but always sick leave coz there was one time I did fall sick due to braces :-(  the post can be read here


1. Read a spiritual book + verse to ponder quarterly. - I read spiritual book till the month of March then after that no more continue. A verse!?? totally fail! :-( I think I more to the relational spiritual rather than theoretical muahahaha.....

2. Teach Giselle a Christianity background - Only this one I'm very proud of myself. :-)

3. Build relationship with God. Seek and involved God in life.  - This one too, hehehe :-)


1. Enrol N4 preparation class- Yep, I took JLPT preparation course for about 3 months and did JLPT N4 test on July. And I passed yyahhhooo!!! :-)

2. N4 test in June/ Dec -the post can be read here :-)


1. Pray for family, mention their name in every single prayer.
Ok, sometime I pray about them, sometime I'm not.....:-(

2. Holiday trip with family - the post can be read here :-)

3. Keep in touch with family. E.g Facetime/ calls/ bbm/ msn. I always everyday whatsapping with my sis, moreover, we have a chat group, good job! :-)

4. Involved or be more active in community. example, blogging!? be more active in blogging so in which part should I put this one? relationship or study? yeah whatever, anyway blogging for me, its a media to have fun and an update to my sis/ friends only. totally success! Yippie! :-)

Wow, last part: Beauty:

1. Apply SPF religiously everyday! especially hot sunny day, please. I've been religiously applied SPF everyday! Rain or shine!  :-)

2. Scrub/ Exfoliate once a month. Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I scrub almost everyday which results broken capillaries. :-(

3. Train my hair to be washed every other day, not every day. Save shampoo save water, too! :-)

4. Cut down beauty expenses. Finds more DIY/ natural treatment. in facts, my beauty expenses increasing coz of collagen drinks! :-(

Additional achievements:

1. Bought Macbook Pro
2. Move to a new community
3. Be a member church which results grows horizontal and vertical relationship
4. Braces + Crazy diets+ Lose freaking pounds!
5. Travelling to a neighbour countries

Okay, that's all for today! continue the next post, 2013 resolutions!


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