Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year 2013 Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

Continuance from yesterday post! As I have already reviewed my last year's resolutions, proud of the achievements so far and accepted the failures and mistakes plus learnt from experience.  So now it's time to make a new year resolutions, yeah!!!

I've gotta be fast as there will be a thanksgiving lunch at Yanting house today.

These are guidance to make goals/ resolutions:

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Relevant
T- Time- based.

So here are my new 2013 resolutions:


1. Eat healthily, more fruits and *soft chewable* veggie. No more soda but okay with ice lemon tea and  lime juice :-D Oh I've gotta cut down beer to avoid beer-belly wtf.
2. Exercise at least once a week. Sign up yoga or cardio!?
3. Sleep early at least 8 hours.
4. Take supplements. (vit C or vit E)
5. Medical check up once a year. Keep the numbers favourably.

1. Save monthly. MUST.
2. Recycling clothes. MUST.
3. Spend thriftily/ wisely. MUST.

1. Salary increment. Gosh, don't they know that all prices increase right now!? even floss bread at breadtalk now is $1.70!!!
2. Career enhancement.
3. Anger management.

1. Tithing monthly.
2. Learn WOG by reading Christianity books or discussion.
3. Build relationship to God and God's people. Learn compassionate towards others.
4. Continue to guide Giselle to be Godly lovely kids :-)
5. Outreach to those lost souls. And bless surrounding people.
6. Learn how to pray in English.

1. Enroll Japanese Advance course I @ JCSS (11 months)

1. Holiday with family (HK Disneyland, here we go!)
2. Keep in touch with mom and dad. Cherish their love and support. Pray for them.
3. Cherish the new community and broaden wings to those poor and unfortunate.

1. Hydrates hydrates and hydrates. Fix the broken capillaries and oily combination skin.
2. Drinks collagen or beauty supplement.
3. Finish my first year braces! still long way to go.

Okay, ciao!


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