Monday 13 August 2012

Rolex- Women's Collection

Okay, don't mistaken me, I've never ever thoughts of owning a branded watch in my whole entire life, like Rolex or Gucci or even Guess. I'm just not that into watch!

The other day, my sister's colleague, asked me to check the price of Rolex Women's watch. She wanted to know how much the market price here in Singapore. So I did her a favour, I went to ION Orchard and have it a look, took a picture some more! Thanks for the friendly sales assistance, Good service! :-D

Oyster Perpetual Date Just, Women's collection.
more crystals more expensive
 more info here.

The cheapest model
Couldn't find what is the name, eh!? Btw, it's $6k+ OMG

As I mentioned before, I am not that into watches. But I won't refuse if someone wishes to give me A Rolex watch, LOL


1 comment:

rosey123 said...

Rolex watches are really expensive. Nevertheless, it's overall value is worth it. I will definitely not mind if someone will give me a Rolex either.