Tuesday 1 May 2012

Magneto by Harmony Gelish

Recently the weather is very HOT! I sweat like hell, even when I just about to walk for 5 mins!
Hot weather = Hot tempered.  Okie, enough for random rant... I feel like very cranky nowadays....*Sigh....

Today's post is about Magneto by Harmony Gelish.

It is a new technology of nail polish, creating a wavy or cuvy patterns of the nail. There are few colours and many *so-called* stencil magnet cap available in the market right now. Do visit nail shop for more details. Lovely!

The application is very easy. Tempted to buy this nail polish and do DIY soon...hehehe...  :-D

So as per normal gelish application, after cut, trim cuticles and stuff like that, apply base coat polish and nail colour polish 1X (first apply) and put the nail into LED light for about a minute. After that apply the nail color one more time (second apply). While its still wet, immediately place the magnet cap directly above the nail for 3-5 seconds. You may place the magnet cap correctly to create correct pattern in your nail. Soon after, seal it dry under LED light for about a minute. Finish it with the top coat and you're done! Easy right! Although its damn easy but I did mine at the nail salon. LOL.

As my toes still short so the magneto patterns not so obvious...So sad...I should wait till it grow longer for better results, then!

Match with my Havaianas :-D


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