Monday 21 May 2012

Hope Conference 2012

This is the first time I attended Hope Conference. The theme this year is Supernatural. Really quick comes thru my mind when I heard this "supernatural" is....Hello, are we becoming to learn a black magic or something like that!? *sceptical*
The funniest thing is, I come to attend with ZERO expectation....only amazed by how the some*kind*of*multimedia/ advertisement been flashed in church preview+ the regret feeling due to my absent in the last year conference. So here I am!

Enjoy the pics!

Day 1- Name Tag

Day 1- Getting Ready for morning Sermon.
See who's yawning so big :-D 

Day 2- Me and Melisa. Getting ready for Sunday Service.

Love the French Braid. Thanks, Mel

Day 2- Before Kairos Night
Pei Jia and Me

Day 2- All Beat Girls..*ahem* Pretty Girls...

Now is the sermons time!

So here we go. Below summary based on my personal notes and understanding. So if you reading this post and you attended the conference yesterday but you have taken different understanding than mine...well...I believe God wants to speak to each individual of us according to His way. Meaning, although the sermon has been spoken in the same word,  same time, and same place. But it will speak to each individual of us differently. In short, we can be unity but not uniformity. Though, you are open to share your understanding, pls drop me a comment below coz I'd love to hear yours, too!

Day 1- Lesson 1- Church in Supernatural. By Ps Jeff.

What I got in this sermon is, the revelation of supernatural is in the past, present, and future.
In the old testament , it revealed thru Israelites. They experienced the wonder of God such as parted Red Sea.
In the new testament which is Jesus Christ. He was born in the virgin womb of Mary and His holy cross resurrection. 
And now, God's supernatural still revealed by the worker of God. Thru healing, outreach, and life transformation. Praise the Lord! 
Points to be taken: God which we are worshipping right now, its the same God as stated in the bible. As per Hebrew 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Day 1- Lesson 2- Hear God's voices and have intimacy with God. By Ps John Jacks.

What I got from this sermon is, hearing God's voice and understanding what God wants us to do. Not conform but to be transformed by His power. Put trust in Him such as Elijah, David, and Gideon...and all the victorious will be ours. 
Points to be taken: We are heaven-ese people. The resident of Heaven. So do not be hindered by earthly things.

You know what..I'm really having a battle with myself, fighting with the sleepiness and tiredness. Especially after a good Sushi lunch...*hoahheemm* After all, we all human, ain't we!? :-D

Day 2- Lesson 1- Sunday service + Sermon by Ps Rick.

Okie, He is someone who likes to go around the bushes :-D  But I still got a clear points of his sermon.
Here we go:

Faith+ Anointing = Supernatural Power.


Supernatural Power of God is not for US ONLY...It's for THE PEOPLE OUT THERE.



It is confirmed by Matthew 5: 13-14 that we are salt and light. We are here not to be exclusive. but to do the outreach. Reach the people out there. 
In facts, many churches are too exclusive and they just keep the blessings, supernatural healing, and miracles for themselves. As a result, church become a sub-culture in the main culture.The worst, church will not grow and become stagnant. 

Day 2- Lesson 2- Ps Simon Eng.

There are 2 types of spiritual build.

1. Individual Build. If you have not encounter God's experience. Ask for it!. If you have encountered, Ask for more! 
2. Corporate Build. Okie this point I don't really get it. But I think God will equipped all members for doing outreach or something like that. Me busy bombing the toilet at that time hehehe....

Overall, the best part of the conference is the Praise and Worship session and Kairos night session. I really can feel the tangible presence of God and we are really free to sing, shout, dance, and jump to praise and worship Him. The atmosphere, the ambience, the passion of its people...awesome!

Pssttt....I can feel that Jesus is touching my head and pray for me during the Kairos night. :-D
Unspeakable joy feeling burst until my tears flowing apart. But deep inside my heart, I knew that this is the tear of joy. I hope this minister not only happen in conference but also in everyday of my life. Amen.

I close this post by declaring, I love you Jesus. You are real and I really give thanks for your amazing love. Thanks for such a wonderful experience! Amen!


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