Saturday 3 August 2013

What He spoke to me.

Sometime God speaks to us, in different ways. Some people being spoken during quiet time, some's during praise and worship, some's during shepherding or sharing time.

For me personally, I am a *word* person. Not only I like to read, write, *cough* blogging, and stuff. I do love meeting people to share or maybe just even to talk or catching up each other's life.

But since my age increase, I do more reading and writing, rather than interact with people. Ok....I am a true loner. I feel like I prefer quality rather than quantity in terms of friendship. I'm happy and contented just o have few people that I can call *sahabat* rather than lots of *teman*....alamak I don't know how to translate it in English, man....

So what today, He spoke to me. 

God is so big He can cover the whole world with His love. And yet so small He can curl up inside your heart. Yep, and my heart, too :-)

Thanks God, for your word. 



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