Sunday 21 October 2012

Thanks, BioMers!

Hi Thanks, BioMers!

I hope you're reading this post :-D

Still remember my Simpliclear post last month? Yeah, after awhile, I received an email from BioMers and last nite, gotten this small little gift (a thought that counts! ).

L- Type Interdental Brush, which specialise in cleaning braces.

From time to time, I will definitely keep an update about my journey with simpliclear braces. It's been a month right now and I'm proudly can say....So far so good :-D

Ok, let me explain, so far if I don't tell anybody or not laugh too BIG (like I used to be), people won't realize or even recognize that I'm on braces. Even when I speak just right in front of them, straight right to their face. Seriously. It's because of both brackets and wire are white transparent, so people won't really pay attention to it. Ermmm....Even if they paid attention, the most they will just ask, ohh you're on braces...that's all.

Then another example is, I lost 3kg within a month! Muahhaahahaha *snob face*
I'm not too sure is it because I had been sick (cough+flu) or because of this braces....But now I really stick to soft-food diet such as porridge, oats, mash potato as primary meal. Ok la sometime still craving for sushi and ramen....But, I don't really snack a lot right now.

And the latest update is, Next Monday, I will be having 2 molar tooth extraction and check on the braces again. After that, my dentist will bond the brackets for the last 4 molar tooth at the back and here I go, officially have ALL TEETH bonded to BRACKET. And come to my surprise, I am secretly looking forward to it!


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