Tuesday 4 October 2011

Starbucks Tumbler- DIY

I've been busy these few days. But if you ask what am I busy about...I can't really tell you though....but I will certainly reply, yeah I am super duper busy...hahaha...

Yet right now, I am content to myself...As I finally have accomplished to design my Starbucks tumbler which have been postponed for about 2 months ago. It took me about an hour to design it (well its actually just cut and stick on the template) and viola!! Here is the pics:

There are actually lots of Starbucks template which can be downloaded free in the website...But I just satisfied with my own design...I swear I'll stick to this tumbler 24/7, motivate me to drink water more often...What an accomplishment! Well done, Deb...clap clap...

Ps: Thanks to Melisa for lending me double tape :-)


1 comment:

denni said...

Wow, look nice. I don't know you can mod it that way.

Great job, Deb.. *clap clap*