Monday 10 October 2011

Get active for 150 minutes per week

Hi, check this out! Health Promotion Board recommended at least 150 minutes exercise per week. Here is the reason why we must exercise.

The benefit of exercise.

Exercise brings benefit to our body, It can improve body metabolism, stamina, shape our body, improve quality of sleep, promotes healthy heart, etc... and the lists goes on...Moreover, it helps to release endorphins hormones which good for your body. What is endorphins? Endorphins is a good hormones within your body, when they are released through exercise, you'll feel good about yourself, when you feel good, the risk of getting stress is lower. In short, exercise can combat stress, too. I am extremely amazed with how exercise can benefit us. So what are you waiting for? Grab shoes and water bottle, run for your life!:-)

Here is my work out plan...I am so happy that I've been stick with it for the past few months... and what a coincidence that my office just open up a small gym, too...bravo! just to remind myself to always stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise...remember that the goal is not about losing weight. It's about to lead a healthier life style. The key is commitment and discipline. 

Weekly Work out plan:
Monday-Work out in office's gym (45mins)
Tuesday or Friday- Swimming (45mins)
Saturday- Brisk walk in the nearby park (60 mins)
Walk from MRT station to office 5 days a week= (10min X 5= 50 mins)

I feel contented with this small and simple weekly work out plan for the time being. I was tempted to sign up a fitness package in town, especially after getting a call from one of  fitness centre in Singapore...but was hold up because I don't really have much time and the place is also very far...Anyway, I still commit to my Japanese study which without fail, took my entire weekdays night just to cope up with the lesson...yeah that's my life...very busy (again!?) hahaha....


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