Monday 28 October 2013

Week 10 and 11

Hi guys, what's up?

Quick one, as I'm rushing to study for my Jap final test. It's coming really really soon in Nov, hence there will be 4 sections of final tests but luckily all will be at evening time so I still got plenty of time to study. The four sections are, Conversation, Writing Composition, Grammar, and Listening Comprehension. I don't even have any idea what's going to be but in the meantime I've been keeping on studying and recap all the chapters.

Ok, about my skin.

Now that I'm entering week 11, my skin has improved so much to the extent that I don't have anything to update. No major changes, still same routine…I've been religiously wearing Obagi and SPF 60 rain or shine during the day, and without fail putting Obagi and Hydrocortisone during the night. The redness is subside but still, I tend to be so red easily. Like Taylor Swift's Red. Ok. Kidding.

Now as I am waking up with a beautiful skin and pretty proud of my skin without make up *ahem*, I still find myself busy with morning routine because wearing Obagi (steps 1-6) is really hassle especially when morning rush. Belum lagi the neck cream and hand cream coz my skin (all over the body) tends to dry very easily. So moisturiser is my HOLY GRAIL now, after been my ENEMY for the past 26 years. Thank you very much.

And then, last week was my derma's appointment and I satisfied with the result…so far….minus the unfriendly receptionist at the clinic….minus the derma's attitude who really rushing here and there, and she doesn't really care about my opinion. The worst part was that, the short consultation which only 5- 10 minutes but they charged me fifteen bucks!  Okay, so I managed to persuade the derma to lighten my Acnotin dosage from 20mg to 10 mg….but I need to finish my 20mg pills at least until 2 Nov, continue to 10mg until a month later. I still got another month to go so I predict, the whole course will be finished until Dec. Hopefully before Christmas. I can't stop now because of the risk of flaring up or relapse. I can't stop now until I finish the race. Even the side-effects are still there but not really that bad now, thanks for my body who adjusting pretty well. So all in all, I AM DOING PRETTY FINE AND EVEN STILL 2 MONTHS TO GO, I'LL BE DEFINITELY PULL THROUGH
*consoling myself*

Oh ya, I am waiting until week 12 aka 3 months so that I can do a recap month by month. Next post yah. My goal is that now, I will be break free with these oral medication pretty soon. Frankly, I don't mind to put on Obagi to be my routine for the rest of my life……It's just the oral medication…that's it freaked me out…...

For those who has suffered from acne, whatever form it is, from mild acne to cystic acne, try Obagi+Acnotin combo and your skin will thank u you.


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