Monday, 15 April 2013

Superlatives- English lesson 1

Yesterday, I was teaching Giselle an English lesson- Superlatives.

For most of you, my reader, who came from Indo-background, same as me, we learnt superlative maybe sometime back in primary or secondary school. Omg I just realized how shallow was our English education back then….compare to those kids nowadays.

To recap, there are 3 rules of superlatives:

  • One syllable adjectives with consonant-vowel-consonant pattern. Just add –er and the – est.

Big-bigger- the biggest
Tall- taller- the tallest

  • Two syllable adjectives ending with Y. Just change Y to I and add- er and the –est.

Happy- happier- the happiest
Busy- busier- the busiest

  • Adjective or adverbs with two or more syllable. Add more- syllable and the most- syllable

Famous- more famous- the most famous
Interactive - more interactive - the most interactive

Easy peasy!

Cut story short, I was teaching Giselle those basic rules of superlatives. She understood completely (she is the fast-learner, I supposed) when I give her a scenario on how and when to use superlatives. Then we learnt special superlatives such as good-better-best, and etc…then suddenly she asked me…

G: Mommy, how about fat- fatter- the fattest? Ah pooi- ah pooier- ah pooiest????
D: *faint*, this superlative for English not Hokkien, ok!?
G: *giggle giggle*

Okay that’s all!

Going to do my final packing and go to airport for Tokyo trip soon! 

I and Mel’s flight is midnight tonight. We’ll be back next week.

Be good when I’m not around, will ya?

Off we go…Tokyo here we go! Mata raishuu....


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