Tuesday 14 February 2012

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Talking about reality, do you know that cervical cancer is the second best killer to women? ( yeah, the first one is breast cancer). Its unavoidable and its only attack women. So, Let's talk about this deeper, women.

What cause of cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus or known as HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. Cancer starts in the cervix, the lower part of uterus, which is the bridge to vagina. There are no significant symptoms unless you going pap smear screening. This is only to detect early stage of cancer.

How to prevent it?

There is no scientific advice on how exactly to prevent cervical cancer. Sadly said, high risk to a women who has cancer history in her family. However, we believe that all kind of diseases won't pay us a visit if we really practice healthy lifestyle. As you know, healthy lifestyle contain balance diet, eat fibres, sleep well, and exercise regularly. On the top of that, to reduce the risk, you are encouraged to do: get a regular pap smear, practice healthy safe sex life (for cripe's sake, be faithful to your partner and use condom, please).........and the best alternatives of it all is....... get a vaccination.

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

There are two types of vaccination:

1. Gardasil
Gardasil is the only vaccine that helps to protect against 4 types of HPV. Types 6 and 11 which 90% cause genital warts and types 16 and 18 which 70% cause cervical cancer. Gardasil has been approved by Singapore HSA (Health Science Authority) since 2006. Fortunately, I received inoculation about a year later :-D       The jab itself given in first month, third month, and sixth month.

2. Cervarix
Cervarix is vaccine that helps to protect against 2 types of HPV. Types 16 and 18 which cause 70% cervical cancer. Cervarix has been approved by Singapore HSA since 2007. The jab itself given in first month, second month, and sixth month.

The process of inoculation.

The jab given at left upper hand. There are side effects such as slight aching, slight soreness, nausea, headache, or even fainting. That is why, its recommended to rest or at least sit down for 15 minutes right after the jabs. For me personally, I am quite fortunate that I didn't really experience these extreme side effects.
Please consult doctor before having jabs. It's good to have discussion with your doctor, as they are the best person to accommodate your queries.
Recommended for women age 10 to 35 years old.
Not recommended for preggie women and women who plan to conceive.

Remember that doing vaccination will only prevent cervical cancer. Yet it is still recommended to do pap smear screening once every three years. Good news for PR and Singaporean, Government subsidised a pap smear programme, known as CSC (Cervical Screen Singapore) .  This is to encourage women aged 25 years and above to go for pap smear screening with affordable price.



Mel Zhang said...

Good info deb, pap smear brpa duit emg disubsidinya?

dhebora87 said...

Tks, Mel....According to its website, The usual cost papsmear at polyclinic is abt $40, But the subsidised rate is $15 for singaporean and $22.50 for PRs.